Contact Us

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5875 Highway 7 Unit:6
Vaughan, ON, L4L 1T9



Umberto and son Saverio

Umberto and his son Saverio


…when two brothers had an idea to do something special. It all started as a collaboration of two great minds, two thinkers, and two artists. With dedication and will, UAF Photo Lab Ltd was born.

At UAF Photo Lab Ltd we value hard work, loyalty, and integrity. We understand the effort you pour into capturing your clients' special moments. That's why it's crucial to us that every album, print, and product we offer reflects the highest quality. We're here to help you deliver unforgettable experiences, one picture at a time.

Quality is our obsession and are all about excellence over quantity. We are creatives at heart and zealous about what we do.

We pride ourselves on producing the best print quality and finishing– it’s what drives our business forward. Our passion is crafting beauty into everything we create.

Our Lab

Our handcrafted quality products are created in our lab located in Canada.

Working at UAF print lab
Behind the Scenes at UAF imaging print company
Professional Print Company BTS

How to order with us


Sign Up

Register your business with USF Photo lab and start printing with us today.


Design and Submit

Design your desired product using Fundy Software or Pixellu.



We offer 50% off all sample albums. Let these albums speak volumes about how beautiful your work is.

Managed by: UAF Photo Lab Ltd.