Folded Cards — UAF Photo Lab Ltd.

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5875 Highway 7 Unit:6
Vaughan, ON, L4L 1T9



Folded Cards

Folded Cards

Our folded cards are printed on Linen and can be used as a greeting card, announcements or anything that you desire.

Product Details

Sample Discounts

UAF does not offer samples on folded cards. If you wish you can request paper samples to view the various paper types.


We ship via UPS unless otherwise requested. All shipping in North America (Excluding: Hawaii, Alaska and Victoria BC) on orders over $300 (usd) is FREE and orders under $300 (usd) the shipping is a flat fee of $40 (usd).

Design Services

We do not offer press card designing services. We recommend using Fundy Designer Software (seen in our Images)


4x5, 5x5 and 5x7

Paper Type

Silk: 120lbs. Cover 325 GSM

Linen: 110lbs. Cover 280 GSM

Pearl: 110lbs. Cover 300 GSM

Design Orientation

This folded card can be designed in both horizontal and vertical orientations depending on your preference.


Managed by: UAF Photo Lab Ltd.